Day by Day cartoon

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Sad day in the blogosphere-

Terry is boarding up the Axis of Weevil headquarters! This is going to leave a huge sucking hole in the blogosphere that won't soon be repaired. I'm happy for Terry- he's getting a promotion and moved into a department that will actually use his talents and training and move him out of the administrivia world that he has been trapped in for several years. It has been a huge bummer not to be able to visit Possumblog during the day, from the job over the past few weeks because there is a dedicated group of folks that circulate and hang out over there and often the comments to Terry's posts turn into some wild and fun converstations. Being blocked out and only being able to see what the other have already said many hours later from home has been a huge disappointment in my own daily life.

But Terry's moving downstairs and now his work hours will be filled up with real work so he's not expecting to be blogging except very sporadically. This whole "giving up blogging for the paying gig" is not unheard of and if you read through the comments in the linked post above, you will see reference to ALANHA, a reference to another Axis of Weevil member who had to give up blogging for corporate obligations. I actually had the opportunity to have dinner with Little A some years ago and I still miss his humorous outlook on life.

[Ed note: I've had to take a several minute break during this post to pet my cat, Uintah. He strolled into my shop while I was writing this and he wanted a good petting. He really likes it when I'm home on the weekend so I can share some of mytime with him and this morning is no different, so he wanted so attention. Now there's white cat fur all over my table, my laptop's screen and keyboard and my coffee mug. He's finally wandered off and now I can resume posting.]

As you might or might not know, Terry and Possumblog are the reason that this humble blog exists. I first discovered Possumblog several months before beginning Wasted Electrons and Terry's insight and creative writing quickly became one of my most regular reads every day. It wasn't long before I was emailing Terry interesting subject material for his blog and pretty soon, he was recommending that I start my own blog and quit hogging up his inbox, and so I did. Wasted Electrons is a direct result of Terry's encouragement and I've been pleased to call him my blogfather ever since.

[The cat is back! I may never get this post finished! And from all the fur piling up here you might guess that I would have a naked, pink skinned cat pretty soon. (Here comes the second cat!) Now they're both gone!]

You can read Terry's story of his packing up from his old office here, and here. If you haven't routinely read Possumblog, take a few minutes and read back through his archives. His stories of daily life in Birmingham are real treasures and you'll quickly see how big a loss to the blogosphere his leaving is going to be.

I'm going to miss him. But time and the blogosphere holds still for nobody and Terry is going to be much happier in his new position as a real architect. And I wish him the very best. If I ever find an excuse to get back into Dixie, I'm going to go find Terry and buy him and his lovely family dinner, just so I can meet the guy that really got me started in this bizarre and strange hobby.

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